Since its inception, XOXO has been centered around unity.
Coincidentally, XOXO’s creation process required re-connecting and joining forces with dear ex-colleagues, old friends, and family members who invested time and effort in helping make XOXO real. I’m humbled and grateful for the supportive energy experienced while XOXO was being created and hope the same forces behind its formation continue projecting the love and unity it was made from to those who interact with it.
Sculptor: Otero Fuentes
Gallery: New York Artists Equity Association [NYAE]
Grant: New York State Council on the Arts [NYSCA]
Site Provider: West Harlem Art Fund
Prelimnary Engineering Analysis: Front Inc.
Fabrication: Otero Fuentes
Fabrication Assistants: Jose Otero, Miguel Otero, Jose Arrigoitia
Curved Steel Tubes: Chicago Metal Rolled Products
Test Install Crew: Jose Otero, Giovanni Carbonell, Ariel Nazario, Will Bautista, Miguel Otero
Site Install Crew: Jose Arrigoitia, Jose Garcia, Giovanni Carbonell, Ives Silver, Will Bautista, Miguel Otero
Media: Karla Ortiz